How to use the films and guide in your family

First steps: before you share the film with your children

Watch SPLIT first … without the kids

Watch the films when your kids aren’t around … after their bedtime, during the school day, or when they are with your co-parent. This will give you time to have your own feelings and reactions to the film. Then, when you share the film with your kids, you can be fully available to support them and whatever feelings come up for them.

Put aside an hour or two, so you can view the film a second time or scan the menu to find sections to watch again.

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Pay attention to your feelings

Listening to children talk about divorce may bring up confusing or difficult feelings for you as a parent. Pay attention to the parts of the film that touch you deeply and give yourself time think about why.  Consider ways you can process those feelings. You might, write in a journal, take the dog for a walk or talk to a trusted friend.   Give yourself time to process your feelings. And be gentle with yourself.

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Get some support

Watch SPLIT with a friend or relative or a small group of divorced parents. If the film stirs up feelings for you, find another adult to talk to so you can avoid turning to your kids for support.

Children naturally want to make things better when parents are upset. Remember … your goal is to support your kids in this process and to make sure they don’t feel emotionally responsible for you.

We all need support.  Take care of yourself, so you can take better care of your children.

Co-Parenting tip…

Share the film

If you feel your co-parent can emotionally process the film in a constructive way, consider sharing SPLIT and possibly the SPLIT Film Guide with them. Kids benefit when they can watch SPLIT with both parents.  The conversations that follow may clear the air, kick start some valuable discussions, and help everyone understand each other better.

Share SPLIT with grandparents, extended family, teachers, clergy… whoever loves and supports your family. When people in your circle of support see the film, it can help deepen their understanding of how family change feels for your children.

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