SPLIT UP: The Teen Years was created to further the conversation about family separation as well as, enhance understanding about the lifelong impact of divorce on children.
It also serves as a powerful tool for counselors, teachers and other school related professionals as an option to:
- Educate separating parents about how to help their children
- Increase teacher sensitivity for students dealing with their parent’s divorce
- Develop empathy in students for other teens experiencing family change.
- Enhance learning in classrooms, schools and universities.
Please note that use of these materials is for non-commercial, non-broadcast use in universities, medical centers, law schools, or any religious or community center (JCC, Girl Scout troops, etc.) for teaching purposes and in person professional trainings where no fees are charged for the program outside of normal tuition or membership.
Fee includes Public Performance Rights (PPR) which allow screenings for educational purposes in a classroom, library, or for any group outside the home when no admission is charged.