Professional Streaming License

Want on-demand access?
Get a Professional Streaming License for
SPLIT: The EARLY Years or SPLIT UP: The TEEN Years.

A Professional Streaming License is available to law firms, mediation groups, and mental health professionals. This License allows practitioners access to the films via a customized link, which can be shared with staff and clients for at-home or in-office viewing.

What is a Professional License?

Q. Why do I need a professional license?

A Professional License is required for individuals or organizations that are engaged in direct work with clients or patients and intend on using SPLIT in a private practice setting.

Q. How does a streaming license work and what will it allow me to do?

Access is provided through a customized link via a streaming platform. You simply share this customized link with your clients, and they can watch the film from their personal devices.

You will be sent a renewal notice when this one-year license expires.

Please note the film cannot be embedded on your website or downloaded by you, your staff, or clients.

The access link cannot be included on your website, published, or shared in any communication other than with your clients directly.

Q. What if I would like to show the film at an event or training?

If you are interested in hosting a screening, please contact us at

For organizations that would like to include SPLIT in a plenary session or training event, we would love to explore options with you.

Public Performance Rights

Public Performance Rights are the legal rights to publicly show a film. They are required to screen a film in whole or in part, to audiences outside of a law firm, individual practice or organization.

The Professional Streaming License does not include Public Performance Rights. 

Without written permission you are not allowed to:

  • Show the films at conferences, workshops, public meetings or any public venue
  • Screen the films in part or in whole in any online trainings, webinars or other online events
  • Use the films as part of paid admission events of any kind
  • Embed the films on a website, include them in any program (live or virtual) or app
  • Upload the films to any streaming platform

Contact us with questions at

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  • Help us spread the word
  • Invite us to be your guest
  • Host a screening
  • Schedule a training
  • Connect us with others who want to help kids of divorce
  • Make a donation
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